Portrait of Maria Luisa Bourbon by Vincenzo Camuccini has been acquired by HAMBURGER KUNSTHALLE, Hamburg.

AL Fine Art is delighted to announce that Portrait of Maria Luisa Bourbon by Vincenzo Camuccini has been acquired by Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg.

The German museum, which in the past had bought another drawing by Vincenzo Camuccini from our collection - the Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg -, confirms its great interest in this great neoclassical painter.


This refined drawing is related to the Portrait of Maria Luisa de Bourbon (1782–1824) which Vincenzo Camuccini painted in 1817 and which now hangs in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Palazzo Pitti in Florence. The portrait belongs to a style typical of both French and Italian portraiture in the Neo-Classical era, which took its cue from models found in the painting of Pompeii. The style, typically adopted for female portraits, tends to show the sitter seated in a three-quarter pose, in a relaxed or contemplative mood, her legs stretched out and generally resting on a cushion or on a footstool, in an environment depicted down to the smallest detail of decoration and furniture, yet always imbued with a sophisticated sense of unfussy simplicity.


Vincenzo CAMUCCINI (Rome, 1771–1844)
Portrait of Maria Luisa de Bourbon, 1817 ca.
Pencil on paper, 390 x 290 mm.

March 29, 2022
of 45