FRANCESCO PAOLO MICHETTI Tocco da Casauria, 1851-Francavilla al Mare, 1929
78 x 73 x 3 cm (with che frame)

These were works in colour created in a short period of time. In contrast, this female head may have been made slightly later on the basis of a drawing or a photographic study. In fact, it is reasonable to propose a dating close to the ’90s because of the peculiar use of black and white, which began to be used in Michetti’s production from that period onwards. This work, dating to around 1887, is one of the first proofs of that genre (fig. 5, Genoa, Frugone Collection), and portrays, with a scowling glance, the same blue-eyed young woman as the previous works. Michetti has focused on the face and eyes which he made light through a clever use of greys. However, the work analysed here appears closer to the studies for La Figlia di Jorio done in 1893, in its composition, emotional intensity, expressiveness and treatment of the background (fig. 6, Aligi [study for La Figlia di Jorio], circa 1893-1895, private collection).
5. Testa di fanciulla, 1887 c., Genova, Raccolte Frugone
6. Aligi (studio per La figlia di Jorio), 1893-1895 c., private collection
- Teresa Sacchi Lodispoto
1 G. d’Annunzio, Note on F. P. Michetti, “Il Convito”, 1896, 8, pp. 583-592, p. 589.
2 L. Chirtani, I pittori all’Esposizione artistica di Venezia. Michetti nuovo, “Corriere della Sera”, 13 May, 1887.