


Francesca Antonacci and Damiano Lapiccirella are pleased to annouce that from April 10th to the 15th they are going to attend Salon du Dessin in Paris, where they will exhibit a remarkable selection of drawings, from XVI to XX century, oeuvres collected from important and presigious private collections.

Among the works of art on display there is an important and rare drawing by Sir Edward Burne-Jones, The Car of Love, a preparatory study for one of his most ambitious painting, today preserved at the Victoria & Albert Museum of London. Additionally, a collection of works on paper, among which oeuvres by Gian Battista and Gian Domenico Tiepolo, Alessandro Magnasco, George Romney and Vincenzo Gemito. Worthy of emphasis the rare Bernardino Bison's tempera, The Biliard Players at the Caffe' Specchi, ultimate trace of this historical gathering place before its restoration. At last, a tribute has to be given to the extraordinary group of Vincenzo Camuccini's drawings, where 7 perturbing sanguine studies after Michelangelo's Judgment stand out.